Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Good Dinosaur Concept Art.

It's not much, but it is slated to be Pixar's 2014 movie. Dinosaurs have taken a spot on the shelf for quite some time now, a decade ago and they were everywhere. I'm glad Pixar is the one to reunite dinosaurs and children in film.

Here's what John Lasseter had to say about the movie:
What if the meteor that killed off the dinosaurs missed Earth and dinosaurs kept living? It’s really a great story because they are very funny dinosaurs. They are kind of cartoony but they are dinosaurs, they are not walking around with clothes on or anything like that, they still are kind of dinosaurs. We focused on mostly the plant-eaters, not the carnivores… Their society becomes more of an agrarian society, meaning farmers. They become farmers.
It’s a very funny story about a certain way of life that a young dinosaur has trouble fitting into and he ends up going on this quest. He kind of messes up and he has to put everything right by going on this quest and on that quest he meets this our character that is an outcast from his society too and so the two of them form this bond and it becomes this unique kind of story… kind of hard to describe. It’s a very special, very emotional story but it’s so quirky and nutty.


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